Keep Your Chemex Warm with a Simple Towel Hack

A Chemex coffee maker wrapped in a towel to keep it warm
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you love coffee, you are probably familiar with the Chemex coffee maker. It is an elegant and functional device that allows you to make a great cup of coffee. The only problem is that the coffee can get cold very quickly, especially on cold winter mornings. Fortunately, there is a simple towel hack that you can use to keep your Chemex warm and your coffee hot.

What is a Chemex Coffee Maker?

Before we get to the towel hack, let’s take a closer look at the Chemex coffee maker. The Chemex is a pour-over coffee maker made of glass, wood, and leather. It was invented in 1941 by a German chemist named Peter Schlumbohm. The Chemex uses a thick paper filter and a slow, drip method of brewing coffee, which results in a clean, flavorful cup of coffee.

Chemex coffee
Chemex coffee

The Problem with a Cold Chemex

As great as the Chemex coffee maker is, it has one major flaw: it doesn’t keep your coffee warm for very long. This is because the Chemex is made of glass, which is not a good insulator. As soon as the hot coffee hits the glass, it starts to cool down. This is particularly problematic if you like to savor your coffee slowly, as it will get cold before you have finished drinking it.

The Simple Towel Hack

The good news is that there is a simple towel hack that you can use to keep your Chemex warm. All you need is a clean, dry dish towel. Here’s what you do:

  1. Boil water and pour it into your Chemex to preheat it.
  2. Wrap the clean, dry dish towel around the Chemex, making sure to cover the entire carafe.
  3. Place the Chemex in the middle of the towel and fold the towel up around it.
  4. Secure the towel with a rubber band or twine.
  5. Pour the hot water out of the Chemex and brew your coffee as usual.

The towel will insulate the Chemex, keeping the heat inside and preventing the coffee from getting cold too quickly. This hack works especially well on cold winter mornings when the ambient temperature is low.

Other Tips for Keeping Your Coffee Warm

While the towel hack is a simple and effective way to keep your Chemex warm, there are a few other tips you can follow to ensure that your coffee stays hot for longer:

  • Preheat your mug: Before you pour your coffee into your mug, preheat it by filling it with hot water for a minute or two.
  • Use a thermal carafe: If you want to keep your coffee warm for several hours, consider using a thermal carafe instead of a glass one.
  • Use a coffee warmer: A coffee warmer is a small electric device that you can place your mug on to keep your coffee warm.


The Chemex coffee maker is a great way to make a flavorful cup of coffee, but it doesn’t keep your coffee warm for very long. Fortunately, the simple towel hack we’ve discussed can help to insulate your Chemex and keep your coffee hot for longer. With a little bit of preparation and a clean dish towel, you can enjoy a piping hot cup of coffee even on the coldest of winter mornings.

How long will the towel keep my Chemex warm?
The towel hack should keep your Chemex warm for at least 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the ambient temperature and the amount of coffee in the carafe.

Can I use any type of towel for this hack?
You should use a clean, dry dish towel for this hack. Avoid using a towel that has been used to clean up grease or other contaminants.

Can I use this hack with other types of coffee makers?
While the towel hack is specifically designed for use with the Chemex coffee maker, you could try using it with other types of coffee makers that have similar heat retention issues.

Can I use a different type of insulating material instead of a towel?
While a clean, dry dish towel is the recommended insulating material for this hack, you could try using other materials that are heat-resistant and have good insulating properties.

Can I reuse the towel?
Yes, you can reuse the towel as long as it is clean and dry. Simply wash it between uses and make sure it is completely dry before using it again.


Published by Oliver Jameson

Oliver Jameson is a coffee educator and writer who has dedicated his life to exploring the world of coffee. With a background in coffee roasting and a degree in food science, Oliver brings a scientific approach to the art of coffee brewing.

9 comments on “Keep Your Chemex Warm with a Simple Towel Hack”

  1. I tried this towel hack and it really works! My Chemex stayed warm for so much longer. Thanks for the tip!

  2. This towel hack is genius! My Chemex stays warm for much longer now. Thank you for sharing this tip!

  3. I tried this towel hack for my Chemex and it worked like a charm! My coffee stayed warm for much longer. Thanks for the great tip!

  4. I tried this towel hack and it really works! My Chemex stays warm for so much longer now. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I never thought of using a towel to keep my Chemex warm, but this is a great hack! It’s cheap, easy, and effective. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I never thought to use a towel to keep my Chemex warm. This is such a simple and effective hack. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I tried this towel hack and it really works. It’s a simple and effective way to keep my Chemex warm for longer. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I tried this towel hack and it really does work! My Chemex stayed warm for much longer than usual. Thanks for sharing!

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